The Tell City News from Tell City, Indiana (2024)

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The Tell City Newsi

Tell City, Indiana

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p7 THE NEWS 168 'A is new Police and 1 ire Department Telephone Number 1 A a I 7: 1 AK j7 "A ri i VOL 22 THIS ISSUE SINGLE 10c TELL CITY INDIANA RIDAY JUNE 29 1956 7777 Jaycees Assure You A Good Time I Af Tell City Picnic AN A PUBLICATION 5 I Afiss Alary Gojfmet Receives Mayor Proclaims A 4 Scholarship Award in Indianapolis July Traffic 213 PERRY COUNTY AMERICAN LEGION POST Council Briefs as erab Mrs Alvin Johnson of Jarship award The preseirtatiorf Indianapolis for reporter of the was made Thursday afterndon of es a aIs Imhnnn rxzxl nil RIH con Total Expenses short distance from ort Lewis 7 Plans Complete or Jaycees Biggest '1 ourth Of July Picnjc Wednesday City Jaycocs 4th of July picnic have stands at this picnic In li rJ tknen nrAiinc laced in TeH City There will be Auxiliary of Lodge Tell Uizvk nViAz1 A nrt Improving' raai dis Thursday (30 AM as the NEWS' was golhf Hg 1 1 she was 45 miles to keep SCOTTS RETURN TO ORT LEWIS following is a list of these groups: Tell City Jaycees Jaycee Wives American Legion Auxiliary VW took over for their first meeting Wednesday night of Hess chaplain George Hein commander Wilfrid has 1 7 and '30 2120 THE TELL CITY CAR OWNED BY VOLMAR RANZ is pictured above alter It was In collision last ridayZevenlng with another car driven by James Hargis in Rockport Mrs Volmar rans and Mrs Sam Stettler died from injuries received la this crash A report of the accident appeared In the Tuesday News this week Mr Hrani and Mrs Davis are still confined ia Perry County Memorial hospital as a result of the wreck Mrs Davis is the field of Religious Activities and Americanism according to an an nouncement Wednesday at the 36th annual convention of the United States Junior Chamber of Com merce in Kansas City Second place atfard in compe tition with Jaycee groups in cities of the 10000 population category was won by the local organization in Religious Activities and third place award was won in American ism: More than 2000 other civic pro Robert Scheible Boerste co chairmen for the Tell City high school i a uana Parents Perry County Conserva tion flub County 4 Club Tell City iremen Troy Chamber of Commerce BPW the Tell City Kiwanis Club DAV Rebe kahs Troy Home Ec Club and Tell City Grays Come out and sup port your favorite organization (Continued on Page 7) this year report that all plans are now complete for presenting the greatest out door event ever Total balance now on hand $14461 AH donations for the upkeep of the cemetery will be gratefully acknowledged Addie Kaiser Treas Capt and Mrs Ross Scott and three children have returned to ort Lewis Washington after spending a leave with relatives in Tell City The Scotts have rented a home in Taootna Washington which is test i James Moseby Tell City left Monday accompanied by his ne phew George Litherland to at tend the national Jaycee conven lion held at Kansas City Mo and to receive the award presenta tion made Tuesday before nearly 8000 Jaycee delegates meeting Municipal' Auditorium in Kansas City Moseby was chairman ofj both winning projects i The young men will return June 30 1 ROME MAN RECOVERING ROM EYE OPERATION James Mitchell of Rome is recovering from a recent opera tion to remove cataracts from his eyes and will soon return to his home from Louisville where he has been since early June Mrs Mitchel who remained at Rome is also recovering from a recent attack of pneumonia VOLMAR RANZ DIES Volmar ranz who was injured in an auto wreck at Rockport on June 22 died Thursday morning at 9:30 The former Tell City body is at Zoercher Gillick funeral home No funeral arrangements have been made study and Robert Schreiber In dianapolis' member of the firm of Drug Store of Tell City wherp Mary Is receiving her training Charles Schreiber another member of the firm who was personally respon sible for participation in the competition for the award and who has tbeen her? encouraging counselor jn all endeavors in this line was unable to attend this session of the convention He had taken pact in a discussion panel at the Tuesday night session of the three day? meeting held at the Claypool Hotel Indianapolis Horton' representative of the Pcpsodent Company was also present at the meeting and pre sented a plaque to Mr Myers in connection with the award Mr Horton explained the purpose of the' gift and the method to be used in giving jt The winner will receive $100 the beginning of each of her first three years of study and $200 at the beginning of her last year When the pharmacy course covers five years of study as it does in some states $100 will be given at the beginning each of the five years 4 last week in Indianapolis by Ain Myers at the 75th annual conven tion of the organization This is the first time this award has been given in Indiana by the' Pcpso dent division of Lever Brothers One is given in each of the 48 states i Miss Goffinfct was chosen as the wintaer ol the" award on the basis of her grades high schools her leadership qualities and her in terest in" the profession of phar macy as shown by her holding of an apprentice pharmacist's li cense: Accompanying Mary to the meeting on Thursday besides her parents and sister Mr' and Mrs Alfred Goffinet and Jean were Dr: Glenn Jenkins dean of the school of pharmacy of Purdue University where she plans to phatagripk raveal tkat tka raal aa was Strack a temdc blow by the Hartls car In the vicinity of the left front whel and fanOer Tka motor was tom loose from the frame aO the car was 'cyan arownA front Mwyat (RNoto ky eratno Xearby ofAfodaf SMIo Rockmart) Supreme and Appellate courts Sheriff Joe Brogdon of Anderson' for state auditor' Patrick Barton of Indianapolis for Supreme Court judge Jrd Judicial District Lloyd Wampler of Plymouth for Su preme Court judge 5th Judicial' District and Combs ofs Vincennes 1st Judicial District and Severin Schurger of Deca tur 2nd Judicial District both for judge of the Appellate Court 21 different attractions at the pic nic this year not including theJirew orks at 10:00 pm and the entertainment which will continfie throughout the day As previously advertised this picnic was open to any Perry county organization that wished to participate since the event was rapidly becoming too Mrs Maurice Backer Has "Wreck" With 200 Jound Spencer Deer Mrs Maurice (Helen) Backer Troy and Mrs Lucille Ravens bamar nurses at St hos pital Evansville met with an un usual accident Tuesday night when driving to Evansville that dam aged Mrs car in excess of $300 A 200 pound deer leaped from the side of Highway 45 between Chris ney and Rockport and ran straight for the headlights of the car The impact killed the animal Had Mrs Backer been traveling at a high rate of speed it is possible that noth she and 'Mrs Ravens would have been injured but traveling betwen 40 and per hour and was able control of the vehicle It was sometime before the ac cident could be cleared away and when the two women called the hospital to report that they had met with an accident stating their car collided withra del it was difficult to convince the hospital supervisor they were not joking The area where the deer wan dered onto the Highway is known as the Black forest and many deer have been 5 seen in this densely wooded area ATHER VOLLMER IS REPORTED IMPROVING The Rev Theodore Vollmer who underwent surgery several weeks ago at Dubois County Memorial hospital is reported to be improv ing at this time Mrs Maurice (Helen) Backer of Troy was one of his nurses during the first week his illness The common council of the City of Tell City met in regular scssior Tuesday night Mayor Nick Bourne presided all 'the council men were present with the ex ception of Councilman Leo Simp son who is council president A bid was received from Gus Nugent for the Joe Williams building on Washington street Mr Nugent bid $1500 and his was the only bid He will have to move the building andclean the property site This site has been purchased by the City of Tell City to be used in connection with the new "sewer system and sewage dis posal plant' Mr Nugent will be requested to sign an agree ment with the city for faithful performance of this job Lawrence Huffman Superin tendent for I Bush and Sons IxiuiSville which concern is erect ing the new Tell City ederal Sav ings 'and Loan Association build ing at Main and ranklin stredts appeared before the council ir company with Clarence Davis secretary manager of the com pany and Victor Weisenberger president Mr Huffman asked permission to block ranklin street from the curb to a point 15 feet out in the street during the period of construction of this building He said this space would include a walkway for pedestrians on tne street The council agreed to allow him the use of the side walk and a space eight feet out in the street from the curb line Paul Kallbreitr grocery operator on North Twelfth street appeared and asked for permission to erect one hour parking signs in front of his store The request was re ferred to the board of public 7 works for at the next Leo Simp son a member of the public works' board was absent at this meeting The council look with favor on grant ing the request James 7 Lawalin president of rUE CIO Local 805 appeared at the meeting along wiUi three other members of the Union He served as spokesman and asked the council whether a public hear ing would be held by the Public Service Commision on the new contract recently signed with Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company Evansville This con tract is' for furnishing more elec trical energy to the Tell Cilt Electric Department and provides for the closing of the local power plant at such time when anothei hiCTh voltage line is built from Evansville to Tell City The coun cil advised 'him that the PSC would be asked to approve the contract but that no public hear ing on the same was necessary Mr Lawalin then asked that a street light be placed on Rubens street at the alley be Continued on Page 7) RECEIVES DEGREE IN CHORAL MUSIC AT STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE Don Page son of Mrs Wilbur McMahon and Mr McMahon Tell City was graduated from Indiana State Teachers College Terre Haute this month in the School of Music He majored in choral singing and took his practice teaching at Central high school in Evansville file was the only senior student received this year in Pfii Mu Alpha sinfonia honorary' music fratern ity He is a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon social fraternity He is here now visiting his parents He is going ahead with his plans to teach this fall' but also is sched i uled for examination for his army NOBLE BROS PRICES HOLD THROUGH 1 Noble Bros Super Market hasa page advertisem*nt on page four section two with some at tractive prices dor food shop pers Noble Bros asked the News to annoihwe that all prices in that advertisem*nt will be in effect through Tues I day July 3 0 1 Bros 1 will give a new Chevrolet away July 28 also many other at 1 tractive prizes' Safely Week Ask or Accident ree Week In Tell City July 1 to 7 Mayor Nicholas Beumcl 'reclaimed the week of Jul 1956 as Traffic Safetv Week has called upon all citizens to ac cept the challenge of not a single traffic death or serious injury in Tell City during this Traffic Safety Week has been proclaimed on a statewide' basis by Governor George Craig ho has challenged every Indiana com munity to cut the needless waste of lives and money through traf fic accidents The statewide pro gram is being co ordinated by J' Lingo State Traffic Safetv Di rector and Hallie Myers director of the Indiana Traffic Safety orm dation In 1954 traffic claimed 34 lives 1 in Indiana during the first week of July Last year 21 persons were killed on Hoosier highways during this period when many thousands start vacations and when driving is especially hazardous In announcing this proclama tion Mayor Nicholas Beumel said: year through unified action by both public officials and individual citizens we were able to cut the total of traffic deaths during this dangerous first week of July This year the urgency is even greater because the state and national accident toll is soar ing again thinks that our high ways can suddenly be made safe by a' short campaign of one wc The real objective of Traffic Safety Week is to call attention to the necessity for sound year round safety programs supported and accepted as the individual responsibility of every person who drives or walks on our highways know that the citizens of Tell City Ind will accept this' challenge to save lives and that they will co operate fully with their public officials to help make Indiana a safer state in which to drive and live" TWO WIN THEATRE TICKETS THIS WEEK Tony Miller wins two tickets to the Swiss theatre for his news tip this week or the same reason Herb Haller wins two to the Ohio theatre This winners can get the tickets by calling for them at the office of the Tell City News We are certainly happy to award the tickets in cooper ation with Tell modern theatres to the victors this week or! we appreciate the help that comes in the form o( the winning tips Each week news tips sent us are considered and the ones selected as having turned in the best tips receive two free theatre tickets don't have to have details of the story just give us a tip Of course details are better and put you up nearer the win position If you have a news tip call 26 Tell City THE EDITOR and Ralph Marge for the Jaycees to handle organizations win American Legion Officers Sealed Af Cannelton Arthur Ndrfhenor Will Lead Cannelton Post jg Arthur Northenor was elected and installed jeommander of Harry Myers Post 142 of the American Legion in Cannelton at regular meeting of that organization He and Joseph'S Paulin' were elected delegates to the state con vention witiv Alfred Thomas and Delmer Hogue alternates to that meeting in July Mr Northenor said he' would work hard for Cannelton's Legion Post and in accepting issued a hearty invitation to all members to attend meetings regularly dur log 1956 1 Other officers installed were rank Huber first vice com mander William IL Waldschmidt second vice commander Charles Gerber finance officer Alfred Thomas Sol Mathena pergcant at arms Austin Hemp hill historian William Birch ler service officer Commander Northenor will an nounce his appointment of adju tant in the near future Ralph Irvin retiring com mander served as installing offi cer with JacKj HuOer acting temporary sergeant at arms 7 MSS MARY GOINCT displays her certificate of award riven her by the: Pepsodent company in Indianapolis laat Thursday to Schreiber senior member of the firm of Schreiber Drug Store Tell City where the Is an employee The PepQjfcnt presidential scholarship award was presented Miss Goffinet by Orgle Boonville immediate past president of the Indiana pharmaceutical Association at the Thursday afternoon session of the 75th annual contention of the orientation This photo was taken In Schreiber's Drug Storo In Telf City Photo) Miss Alary Goihnet Jeu City high school graduate of this year was chosen by Orgle Myers Boonville immediate past presi dent ofthe Indiana Pharmaceuti cal Association and a committee fron the Association to receive the1 presidential Pepsodent scho Local Jaycees Win Awards or Religious Activities Americanism At Kansas City The Tell City Junior Chamber grams of Junior Chambers of Com of Commerce Has been rated one merce in the United States were of the best in the United States in entered in this awards con TUESDAY NEWS TO BE OUT EARLY NEXT WEEK COOPERATION ASKED Because of the July 4 holiday falling on next Wednesday all operations in the News offices and plant will be moved up an entire day next week The Tuesday issue will be on tbe newsstands Tuesday morning instead of Tuesday afternoon and will be delivered Tuesday Because of losing Wednesday as a productive day? it will also be necessary to move up tbe schedules for the riday News The riday issue will be on tbe newsstands Thursday afternoon and delivered riday morning the same as usual Work will be started on the printing of the Tuesday issue this weekend instead of the first of next week as is the usual custom 1 Due to these facts we are asking the complete cooperation of all advertisers and corres pondents Please get all ad and news copy to us one day earlier than usual for next is sues of your? Perry County newspapers a The Editors MOVE TO EVANSVILLE Mr and Mrs Larry Manleymoved this week to their home at3507 Covert avenue in Evansville which they have recently pur chased and have been rcdccorat ing The Manleys have been mak ing their home in Tell City with 'her parents Mr and Mrs Tony Oberhausen since their marriage several months ago Congregational Church ayorablq To Mergefr The merger 'of the Congrega tional Christian ancr Evangelical and Reformed churhe? lyas an nounced this week by the Rev Dr red Hoskins Oak Park Ill newly eieciea minister 01 me uenerai Council cf the Congregational Christian Churches The merger was voted upon when the General Council of the Congregational Christian Churches met this week in Omaha Neb There were 1310 votes in favor 179 against the merger and 11 dele gates did not vote The uniting of the two churches will be ratified at the General Synod meeting of Evangelical and Reformed churches in Lancaster Pa Aug 31 The actual merger will not take place until late in 1957 after a new constitution and docforinal standards will be ap proved and adopted The name will be changed to United Church of Christ" but other than that the Rev IL Lippert local church pastor does not think there will be any significant difference felt in our church here GERMAN RIDGE CEMETERY REPORT The following donors have tributed money in 1956 the upkeep of the German Ridge cemetery: Mrs Hilda Baldwin Mrs Jerome Goldman 500 Mrs Brandassc 500 Addie Kaiser 500 Sale of German church ground 12500 Bal on hand Dec 31 1955 13611 Total $28111 Expenses since last report: Lawn Mower Stationery Postage Gas Mowing cemetery Guido Stempels On Extended Tour Of European Countries Dr and Mrs Guido Stcmpel Cuyahoga alls Ohio left Tues day June 26 ffom New York by plane'for Copenhagen Denmark They will lour Germaay Italy and Switzerland spending two and one half wcelds in Switzerland They will visit Zurich ZermattGrindel wald and! Geneva In Italy they will tour 'Rome lorence Milan and Vienna Austria going to i Dusseldorf and rankfort in Ger 1 many They return homej Aug 4 i I Mrs Stemple is the former Alice Mepninger of Tell City dau ghter of i the late Mr and Mrs August Menningen She is a sis ter td Mrs Louise Becker of Tell City and' Mrs (Anna Kennedy of near Lamar Dr Stcmpel is associated with General Tire Rubber Company in Akron Last summer Dr Stempel was in: Europe on a business trip and was accompanied by Mrs Stempel Excavating Begins or Tell City ederal Building Lutgring Brothers have digging machinery working on the site of the new building for Tell City ederal Building and Loan Asso ciation at Main and ranklin "treets this week According to a story in the News two weeks ago the entire building will have a basem*nt under it and the exca ation dor that basem*nt shouk) Tie completed this week Bush and Sons contracting firm of Louisville has the contract for construction of the building Lawrence Huffman Louisville is in Tell City serving as superinten dent on the job for I Bush and SonsMr and Mrs Huffman are living in a trailer in the Trailer Camp operated by Mr and Mrs Everett Miles on Sixth street Democrats Choose ucker After Nine Ballots Claud Wickard Will Run or United States Senator Indiana meeting in their stale' convention in Indiana polis Tuesday chose Claude Wickard as the' candidate 'for United Stales Senator and Maver Ralph Tucker of Tsrre Haute Tor 1 governor They will oppose candi dates to be picked by Republicans when thfv meet in Indianapolis on riday of this week Wickard former of agriculture was an easy victor over Howard Caughran But Tucker had to go nine ballots td defeat the bid of State Senator Matthew Welsh of Vincennes' Roger Branigan of Lafayette was eliminated on the eighth bal lot and Hugh Dillinwast ousted on the Other contenders for the spot were Tom Johnston of Lafayette and Von Eichorn Uniondale The convention moved quickly until the governor race came up Eight unopposed candidates for minor offices were nominated by acclamation apd one ballot each settled four contests preceding the governor and senate races Nominated for lieutenant gov ernor candidate was Bartel Zand st ra of Highland while Mayor Thomas Lemon of Bloomington captured the secretary of state nomination I rr the two' other contests races State Sen Earl Utterback of Koko mo wonthti nomination for super intendent of public instruction and Warren Martin sr of Boonville was named to run for judge of the State Supreme Court from the 1st Judicial District Named by acclamation were Al bert Steinwedel of Seymour for state treasurer William Wolf nf Greenfield' for attorney gen offi cers lat week In the photograph above are (left to right) rank Rossman adiutant The other officers of the Dost are Maurlee second vieecommanderj Victor Tableman finance officer Andrew Kress historian Harding Americanism officer The new officers were Installed by Sylvester Schr Iner erdinand eighth district commander (Mews Photo) 54 ft fiJ' fert teEdKW fl a Imp i ui A Ok Aib I SMh 'fxiiaK ALAM 1 TtBTT I iff IM kWraraMl 'V7 A A BlB a A a 1 a liiiila KA 7 i lMimr A 7' MM A A ffgWwl WUirKK1' Yi Wil a iiEsOSmI 5.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.