Sun-Tattler from Hollywood, Florida (2024)

Monday, April 28, 1958 HOLLYWOOD (FLORIDA) SUN-TATTLER Page 13-A Miss Betty Ruth Matthews Married To Orvel E. Terry Wearing as her "something old" a sentimental family heirloom gold cross which belonged to her great-uncle, a minister, who was theRev. G. A. Stoudemyer, Miss Betty Ruth Matthews, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. S. C. Matthews, 2328 Grant became the bride of Orvel E. Terry, of the U.

S. Army, in a double-ring ceremony held April 19. The bride wore a ballerina length white lace and net bridal gown. Her home was decorated with white daisies, gladiolas and gardenias. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs.

Bessie J. Moody, 5810 Lee West Hollywood. The couple was married by the Rev. Robert E. Grefe.

The bride's father gave her away. Wearing a blue nylon dress with white accessories was the maid id of honor, Miss Marilyn Bennett. Bridesmaids were Miss Esther Matthews and Mrs. William T. Kellerman.

Each wore a pink or yellow nylon dress with white accessories. Willis W. Endicott was the best man. A reception at the home of the bride followed the wedding and decorations followed the pink and white color scheme he with silver wedding bells used in profusion. Following the reception the couple left for a honeymoon on the West Coast of Florida, the bride wearing an orange sheath dress with matching coat ensemble.

The bride expected to return carriage trade AT NORTH SHORE A son tor Mr. and Mrs. Pete Petrov, 1202 N. 16th Ct. AT MEMORIAL A son to Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Anderson, 6116 S.W. 20th West Hollywood. A son to Mr. and Mrs.

Roby Bartlett, 820 N. State Road Seven, West Hollywood. A son to Mr. and Mrs. James Rook, Sheldon Trailer Park, Dania.

A son to Mr. and Mrs. George Panter, 500 S.W. 62nd Ave. West Hollywood.

A son to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Crane, Box 194, Hallandale. AT HOLLYWOOD A daughter to Mr. and Mrs.

Edward C. Gillette, 4th PL, North Miami Beach. Use -Tattler Want Ads. to her parents home after the honeymoon, where she will reside during the time when the bridegroom finishes up his term of service with the Army. He will reenter civilian life next November, and plans to return to Hollywood where the couple want to make their home.

The bride is a graduate of South Broward and is now employed at the Florida Power and Light Company. Her bridegroom attended schools in Lewisburg, W. and is currently stationed in Ft. Benning, Ga. CUTTING THE CAKE Mr.

and Mrs. Orvel E. Terry are shown cutting their three-layered wedding cake at ceremonies April $19. They were married in the bride's home, 2328 Grant St. Mrs.

Terry is the former Miss Betty Ruth Matthews. Ubell and Mack Photographers, Inc. Methodist Men's Club Fetes Its Women At 'Ladies Night' The Methodist Men's Club odist Church sponsored its annual Wednesday, when nearly 160 per on tables that were decorated John Bradshaw, president, welcomed the members and guests. John Baker gave the devotions. A quartet from the club, Rees Bowne, Bill Lauter, James McLaughlin and Bradshaw, sang under the direction of Martin Blackwelder, musical director.

The Rev. George C. Powell, pastor, introduced the speaker, Col. A. K.

Stiles, who took of Hollywood Temple MethLadies Night at the Church people ate a covered dish supwith greenery and hibiscus. subject from the Book of Job, "Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble." He cautioned against worry and suggested that everyone take time to work, laugh, read, make friends, study and worship. E. Vaughn Ross, George Sallmann, Joe Saville, Blackwelder, Jim Shoffstall and Bradshaw were on the arrangements committee. LUNCHEON PARTY Mrs.

Clifford L. Mullett, left, was guest of honor at a luncheon Wednesday at the Diplomat Country Club. Mrs. Carl Stroehmann, right, gave the party in honor of her long friend who has recently moved here from Williamsport, Pa. Standing between them is Chester Malec, head waiter, who is serving dessert.

Guests were Mrs. Elliott Wilson; A. O. Wickham, Mrs. Thomas A.

Thomas, Mrs. Carl M. Sisk, Mrs. C. A.

Bingham, Mrs. B. L. David, Mrs. Charles I Pusinelli, Mrs.

Fordham Briggs, Mrs. Ted David, Mrs. W. C. Atkinson and Mrs.

August F. Schindeler. Sun-Tattler photo Dania Club Plans To Install Officers DANIA- The Dania Woman's Club will install new officers at a covered dish supper at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, at the clubhouse, according to Mrs. H. H.

Morris, publicity chairman. Miss Gladys Breauel will install the officers. IT'S SMART! the WAFFLE SHOPPE West Mollyasod Shopping Plaza Garden Club Bans Circle Alteration SIXTY YEARS TOGETHER Mr. and Mrs. Charles, J.

Gregory, Playland Estates, have been married 60 years. They celebrated their wedding anniversary recently with a barbecue at their home, 5740 N.W. 28th St. Details in Speaking of People column. Sun-Tattler photo.

Speaking Of People Mayor Of Playland Estates Marks 60th Anniversary Marking 60 years of happily married life recently were Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Gregory, 5740 N.W. 28th Playland Estates.

The Mayor of Playland Estates and his wife gave a barbecue party for a large gathering at their home. Gregory was also the first president of the Hollywood Democrats Club 33 years ago. The Gregorys are proud of their family of five children, 15 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. "The greats are catching up on the near-greats!" Gregory teased. Among those attending three sons, Mr.

and Hollywood; Lanford and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beach; and two daughters, meyer, Rutherford; husband, and the Misses Franke, North Miami children, Mr. and grandchildren the Raitt, Playland Estates; Kinstler, Gadsen, Mrs. Bob Amundsen Sheridan Park.

Others included Mr. and Mrs. Larry Johnson, Mr. Barton, Mr. and Mrs.

Yurkovich, and Mr. Estates; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Bill Richardson, Marlowe and Mr.

and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph By MARIAN FEIT Sun-Tattler Staff Writer MARIAN the celebration were Mrs. Kenneth Gregory, Gregory, Rutherford, N. Gregory, North I Miami Mrs.

Theodore BultMrs. Elmer Franke and her Fern, Gail and Candy Beach; and more grandMrs. Ed Raitt and greatMisses Laura and Betty Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and two nieces, Mr.

and MARIAN and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Beasty, both of Mr. and Mrs. Al Jenkins, Allentown, Harold Hass and Connie; Mr.

and Mrs. and Mrs. Paul Zabel, Mr. and Mrs. Tex John Sheffield, Mr.

and Mrs. George and Mrs. Charles Bowers, all of Playland Adolph Knientner, Hollywood; Mr. and West Hollywood; Bob Mayo, Miss Micki Mrs. Joseph Paulson, all of Miami; and Brandeis Brunch White paper heads, topped by white-tasselled graduation caps of blue, were conversation pieces on the center of the tables at a brunch Wednesday sponsored by the Broward Chapter of the National Women's Committee of Brandeis UniSome 200 members convened at the Golden Gate Audversity.

itorium for the brunch, music festival and installation of officers -an event that took over a month to plan. Mrs. Sidney Rosenbaum and her committee were in charge of the clever decorations. Mrs. Jack Rosen was hospitality chairman.

Wearing a light blue sheath with white trimming the colors of Brandeis- was Mrs. Julius Ritter, the newly-elected Also sitting at the head table was Mrs. Bernard president. Milloff, honorary past president. She had on a stunning orange silk dress with white polka dots.

To complete her ensemble straw hat trimmed with material matching the dress. was a Most unusual dress was worn by Mrs. Howard Rowars, chairman of the day. She wore a white cotton flapper outfit with a black leather belt and black pointed-toe shoes. The group was rallying to the support of a new $2 million library at Brandeis, the first Jewish-sponsored, non-sectarian University in America.

While munching the scrambled eggs and chicken livers, Pat Fine suggested that the members at her table take Mrs. A. a tramp steamer to Europe. Why not travel luxury class? "Well, all we need are a few canasta players, who cares about the transportation!" the avid canasta player explained. They're Off Scattered groups of Hollywood residents bade adieu to the racing season here: as Gulfstream Race Track closed Wednesday.

Joining in the excitement of the horse racing enthusiasm the party of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilkoff in their box were with Mr. and Mrs. William Roman.

Placing a bet at the cry of "They're at the post," was Mrs. Harold Sheehan. She looked very neat and in a refreshed cool cotton dress. Also on hand at the luxurious track pink were Mr. and Mrs.

Tony Salvino, Earlier that afternoon we had seen two of the Davids, and Mrs. Ted, at a luncheon. While the "better Mrs. B. L.

eating, B. L. and Ted were at the track. halves" were While sports editors were reporting the last minute racresults to their newspapers, 1 Mrs. Marian McCann, public ing relations at Gulfstream, was admiring a lovely portable typewriter given to her by Mrs.

Eugenia Bankhead and Mrs. Louisa The first letter Mrs. McCann typed was a thankCarpenter. you note to her friends. "Have a Yet all was ended on a note of fading finality.

summer" and "see you next season" were exchanged nice throughout the afternoon. Objects D' Arts Playing a role in New Hollywood's Miss Joan Mickelson, A. C. Mickelson, 2301 Polk St. 'JOAN MICKELSON that the museum will be closed The Hollywood Garden Club, at a meeting held in the Woman's Club building Friday afternoon, voted unanimously to oppose with "every means in its power any change whatsoever" in Young Circle.

The emphatically worded resolution which included a blanket rejection of "any plans whatsoever which contain provisions for even the slightest alteration of the Circle," was passed without a dissenting vote amid murmurs of vigorous approval, after almost every member of the 30 or more present had spoken individually on the subject. Mrs. Ian Patterson, president, presided at the sesion. The club also voted to send telegrams of thanks and congratulations to Commissioners B. L.

David, William G. Zinkil, and Dr. Thomas Adams, commending their stand against changes in the Circle; and also a telegram to S. S. Holland, of the Long Range Planning Board, for his vigorous fight against alteration in the Circle.

Further telegrams, to the Governor, the State road board and other agencies will protest any change. The motion to reject the study or consideration of any proposals or plans which contain Circle alteration plans was made by Mrs. Andrew A. Gurke, a former president of the club who led a city-wide fight to prevent Circle changes once before. Mrs.

Gurke, like many of the other women, based objections to changes in the Circle mainly on the reversion clause in the deed to the property as outlined by J. W. Young when he presented the park to the City of Hollywood and which provides that the land may be reclaimed by his heirs or assigns if any when any alteration are made in the Circle. "No mater what provisions Hollywood, may make on the subject, Mrs. Gurke said, "and no matter what promises my be made, any alteration in the Circle could provide grounds for suits by any living relative of the Young familyand I understand there are some hereabouts--who may wish to recover the land and who may try to do so if the park is tampered with in any way.

The city has everything to lose and nothing to gain by destroying this beauty spot and Many of the women insisted that the Circle, by slowing down highway traffic, is a safety help instead of a hindrance. FUTURE BRIDE Miss Margaret R. Hamilton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.

D. Hamilton, and Ranch, Waco, Ky, is engaged to Robert W. McLean, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.

A. McLean, 10325 N.W. Second Miami. A teacher at the West Hollywood School, Miss Hamilton will be married August 8. She is a soloist at the Hollywood Temple Methodist Church.

She was graduated from Waco High School and Eastern Kentucky State College. McLean was graduated from Bloomfield High School in New Jersey and attended Bradley University, Peoria, Ill. He works at Walter McLean and Son, Jewelers. Walter Gray photo BABY SHOWER Mrs. Ted Curcie, left, was the honoree at a baby shower given Thursday at the home of Mrs.

Frank Curcie 814 S.W. Sixth Hallandale. The honoree and hostess wore corsages of white carnations with baby pink roses. Sun-Tattler photo Mrs. Ted Curcie Is Honored By Sister-In-Law At Party The cake was pink, ers at the baby shower by her sister-in-law, Mrs.

S.W. Sixth Hallandale. Guests included the Curcie her mother, Mrs. E. B.

Blount; her sisters, E. Vickers and Mrs. Walter Sooy; Mrs. Leo Meyer, Ft. Lauderdale; Mrs.

Sam Nettles, Miami; Mrs. Russ Wilson, Mrs. Shelby Lewis, Miss Patsey E. Sutton, her sisters-in-law, Mrs. H.

A. Andrews and Mrs. John Curcie; Mrs. James Kelley, Mrs. Robert Hudson, Mrs.

Ray Turner, Mrs. William Bruneau. Mrs. Paul Schmacker, Mrs. James H.

Shropshire, Mrs. John A. Roberts, Mrs. Edward Baldwin, Mrs. Robert Harper, Mrs.

Bill Canipe, Mrs. Ralph Williams, Mrs. Ralph Flacks, Mrs. Quentin Long, Mrs. S.

G. Hansen, Mrs. Oliver Doty, Mrs. Bill Gilbreath, Mrs. Raymond Hensley and Mrs.

James Hartman. Cream Puffs Cream puff shells should be Norway had over a million tourist visits in 1957, for the first time, Oslo learns, For Mother On Her Day! LADY'S PEARL EARRINGS Two Large Iridescent Cultured Pearls with 8 Sparkling Blue White Diamonds. 14 Karat White Gold A typical Wesson Jewelry Co. AT PER PAIR VALUE $10000 Wesson Jewelry Co. (HOLLYWOOD LOAN BROKERS) BUDGET AND CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITED.

DOWN ONE YEAR TO PAY Phone WA 2-6505 2000 Hollywood Blvd. road MONOGRAMS 'U' Stitch 'em on SCISSORS PINKING SHEARS SHARPENED BUTTONS BELTS COVERED MILLS ELNA NECCHI SEWING CENTER 9 Years in Hollywood 1846 HARRISON ST. blue and white and so were the flowgiven for Mrs. Ted Curcie Thursday Frank Curcie Jr. at her home, 814 honoree's mother-in-law, Mrs.

Frank Women Of Moose Plan Card Party The Women of the Moose, chapter 1053, will have a card party at 8 p.m. Wednesday at Moose Hall, 2907 Taylor St. Mrs. Harry Norris is chairman. Table and door prizes will be awarded at the public event, according to Mrs.

Irene Post, publicity chairman. CERAMIC SUPPLIES GREENWARE FIRING ART SUPPLIES We'll Show You How! WERNER STUDIO 216 No. 20th Ave. York's large blaze recently was daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Miss Mickelson carried paintings out of smoke-filled rooms at the recent fire in the Museum of Modern Art, New York, where she works. The 1956 cum laude graduate of Radcliffe College, Cambridge, rescued valuable objects d' art. After the -fire was extinguished, she had the unromatic job of cleaning the treasures! Miss Mickelson is in charge of setting up pre-and-post exhibits for Museum and also directing the Junior League volunteers. Six paintings valued at million were damaged, Joan writes, but $4 million worth of art was saved. The fire was mainly confined to a small area of the second floor gallery.

Miss Michelson reports until May 1 11, WALLPAPER for Living! Better SEE OUR NEW GLENVIEW MURALS 24 DISTINTIVE SCENES 3 Sizes To Choose From MANY FLORIDA SCENES CYPRESS GARDENS HAMMOCK BEACH RUSTIC BRIDGE IN CYPRESS GARDENS VISIT OUR NEW WALLPAPER DEPARTMENT Soft Leather Seats To Relax In Over 50 Wallpaper Books For Inspection Lewis Brothers Home of 40 Famous Brands 2028 HARRISON ST. PH. WA 2-5682 Opposite Post Office Free Forking in Rear.

Sun-Tattler from Hollywood, Florida (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.