Immunoprecipitation with Magnetic Beads - US (2024)

Immunoprecipitation (IP) is a cellular and molecular biology method used in laboratories to isolate or purify a specific antigen (or protein of interest) via a solid phase (agarose or Sepharose™ resin or magnetic particles). The IP method was first performed on small aliquots of agarose resin in microcentrifuge tubes. Use of magnetic beads is one method of isolating your protein of interest via IP. Dynabeads, DynaGreen, and Pierce magnetic beads for IP offer exceptional balance of capacity/yield, reproducibility, purity, and cost for smaller-scale isolation of specific proteins (e.g., IP) and protein complexes (co-IP).

Selection guide for Dynabeads products

Dynabeads products are available for a multitude of molecular and cellular applications. Don’t know where to start? Use our easy selection guide that considers sample type, target molecule, and downstream application to provide tailored recommendations for Dynabeads products.

Dynabeads product selection guide

On this page:

  • What is immunoprecipitation?
    • How does immunoprecipitation work?
    • Why are magnetic beads used for immunoprecipitation?
  • Immunoprecipitation beads selection guide
  • Videos on immunoprecipitation
  • Immunoprecipitation automation protocols
  • Immunoprecipitation FAQs
  • Immunoprecipitation publications using Dynabeads magnetic beads
  • Resources for immunoprecipitation
  • Order immunoprecipitation beads

What is immunoprecipitation?

Immunoprecipitation (IP) is a cellular and molecular biology method used in laboratories to isolate or purify a specific antigen (or protein of interest) via a solid phase (agarose or Sepharose™ resin or magnetic particles). The IP method was first performed on small aliquots of agarose resin in microcentrifuge tubes. The IP method has evolved to use superparamagnetic particles to specifically target proteins of interest.

View common IP myths and tips

How does immunoprecipitation work?

The Dynabeads magnetic beads IP procedure is simple, fast, requires no preclearing step, and results in high-target protein purity, yield, and consistent results. Both DynaGreen magnetic beads and Pierce magnetic beads can perform the same steps with slightly longer protocol times to complete. DynaGreen protocol finishes in <80min. Pierce protocol finishes in <120min.

Step 1: Binding of the antibody to the beads

Dynabeads, DynaGreen, and Pierce magnetic beads come pre-coated with protein A, protein G, anti-mouse IgG, or anti-rabbit IgG antibodies. Their rapid kinetics allow them to bind to the added antibody in about ten minutes (Figure 1). Biotinylated antibodies can also be used in combination with streptavidin-coupled Dynabeads and Pierce magnetic beads. After antibody incubation a wash step is performed to remove unbound antibodies.

Step 2: Add sample to the beads

The protein-containing sample is added to the beads-antibody mix and incubated for ten minutes to allow target protein binding. If the protein is of low abundance or low affinity, the incubation time can be increased to one hour or overnight. For most cases, a ten-minute incubation is sufficient.

To help ensure high purity of the bound target protein, the beads should be washed 2 to 4 times with buffer on the magnet to remove all unbound proteins. This step in the isolation process helps ensure a high signal-to-noise ratio.

Step 4: Elute the protein

The protein can be eluted off the beads by using either a mild elution procedure or a denaturing elution procedure (Figure 2).

Click image to enlarge

Figure 1. Immunoprecipitation protocol with magnetic beads.

Immunoprecipitation with Magnetic Beads - US (3)

Figure 2. Types of elution buffers for immunoprecipitation with magnetic beads. Depending on your target protein and how they bind to the magnetic beads, there are three main types of elution buffers to unbind the target protein. Denaturing elution buffers are used for SDS-PAGE. Mild elution buffers are used for protein characterization, immunization, enzyme studies, amino acid sequence determination, and crystallization. Protein-protein interactions, enzyme studies, bioassays, and immunoassays may be performed without eluting your target protein from the magnetic beads.

Why are magnetic beads used in immunoprecipitation?

Magnetic beads for IP have become more common, especially compared to the traditional method of using agarose slurries or resin for protein isolation. This is because magnetic immunoprecipitation beads provide several advantages over the traditional method, such as:

  • Low background—Little to no non-specific binding and no preclearing required for high-purity protein yields
  • Highly reproducible—Uniform composition of the magnetic beads ensures the most consistent results
  • Highly sensitiveMost-cited method for sensitive applications, such as ChIP and IP for low- abundance proteins
  • Fast and easy—<40 min protocol with no centrifugation or preclearing steps
  • Antibody savings—All binding occurs on the smooth outer surface of the beads, which conserves precious antibodies compared to porous agarose beads; using beads for IP is a cost-efficient solution per sample
  • Automation compatible—Immunoprecipitation beads protocol can be automated on theThermo Fisher Scientific KingFisher platform

View common IP myths on agarose resins vs magnetic beads
Learn about co-immunoprecipitation

Immunoprecipitation beads selection guide

  • Antibody-binding magnetic beads—Most common method
  • Fusion tag-binding magnetic beads—If your protein is a recombinant protein
  • Biotin-binding magnetic beads—If your protein is biotinylated
  • Surface-activated magnetic beads—If your ligand or target sample is tricky

Antibody-binding magnetic beads for IP

Protein A, G, A/GSecondary antibodies
(anti-mouse, anti-rabbit)
Recommended productsBeads only:
  • Dynabeads Protein A
  • Dynabeads Protein G
  • Pierce Protein A/G
  • DynaGreen Protein A
  • DynaGreen Protein A/G
  • Dynabeads Protein A
  • Dynabeads Protein G
  • Pierce Protein A/G
  • Pierce Crosslink Kit (A/G)
Beads only:
  • Dynabeads M-280, Sheep-anti Mouse IgG
  • Dynabeads M-280, Sheep-anti Rabbit IgG
  • DynaGreen CaptureSelect Anti-IgG-Fc (multispecies)
Binding propertiesNon-covalent antibody binding
Antibody co-eluted off the beadsYes*
No (Pierce Crosslink Magnetic IP/Co-IP Kit)
Type of ligandDifferent ligands bind different species and antibody subclasses with different specificity
  • Anti-mouse binds mouse IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b
  • Anti-rabbit binds all rabbit IgGs
Mass spec compatibleYes
  • DynaGreen Protein A/G
  • DynaGreen Protein A
  • DynaGreen CaptureSelect Anti-IgG-Fc (multispecies)
  • Pierce MS-Compatible Magnetic IP Kit,
  • Pierce Protein A/G
Not validated
  • Dynabeads Protein A
  • Dynabeads Protein G
No (Dynabeads M-280)
Non-specific bindingLow

* Crosslinking can be performed to avoid co-elution of the antibody, but this can decrease the yield of the target antigen.
† Learn which antibody-binding proteins are best for your IP antibody.

Benchmarking data: Dynabeads magnetic beads vs other IP methods

Dynabeads magnetic beads compared to Sepharose- and agarose-based solutions

Click image to enlarge

Figure 3. Shorter protocol time and better target protein yields with Dynabeads magnetic beads.Equal amounts of sample material with respect to Ab content and cell lysate volume were used for all IP protocols according to the manufacturer’s protocol. For the Dynabeads-based method, all the antibodies on the bead surface are accessible for optimal, highly reproducible antigen binding.

Dynabeads magnetic beads compared to competitor magnetic beads

Click image to enlarge

Figure 4. Electron microscopy of Dynabeads magnetic beads compared to competitor magnetic beads.(A) Dynabeads magnetic beads have a defined surface to carry out the necessary binding with no inner surface to trap any unwanted proteins. Dynabeads products are the most uniform, monodisperse superparamagnetic beads, manufactured with highly controlled product qualities to enable a high degree of reproducibility. (B–D) Magnetic particles from alternative suppliers have variable shapes and sizes that trap impurities, resulting in lower reproducibility and increased non-specific binding.

Dynabeads magnetic beads compared to competitor magnetic beads for IP

Click image to enlarge

Figure 5. Dynabeads magnetic beads have exceptional immunoprecipitation performance with the combination of highest yield and lowest non-specific binding.(A) Silver staining of the protein membrane shows that Dynabeads magnetic beads have the most enriched binding at the antibody main band and very low non-specific binding with low signal/noise. (B) Western blot analysis of CD81 pulldown in Jurkat cells show that Dynabeads Protein G beads have the highest yield with a short ten-minute protein incubation.

Read tips on immunoprecipitation

View antibody-binding bead options for IP

Fusion tag-binding magnetic beads for IP

  • Consists of a peptide (EQKLISEEDL) derived from the human c-myc oncogene (p62 c-myc)
  • Immobilized anti-c-Myc antibodies are used to immunoprecipitate c-Myc-tagged recombinant proteins
  • Consists of a peptide (DYKDDDDK) which is recognized by an immobilized high-affinity rat monoclonal antibody (clone L5)
  • Primarily used for the isolation of protein complexes with multiple subunits because the mild purification process tends not to disrupt these interactions
  • Consists of a peptide (YPYDVPDYA) derived from the human influenza hemagglutinin (HA) protein
  • Immobilized anti-HA antibodies are used to immunoprecipitate HA-tagged recombinant proteins
  • Consists of a string of six to nine histidine residues
  • Primarily used for purification via immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC)
  • Consists of glutathione S-transferase (GST), a complete 211 amino acid protein (26 kDa)
  • Primarily used for purification via glutathione agarose resin

Recommended products

  • Pierce Anti-c-Myc Magnetic Beads
  • Pierce c-Myc-Tag Magnetic IP/Co-IP Kit
  • Pierce Anti-DYKDDDDK Magnetic Agarose
  • Pierce Anti-HA Magnetic Beads
  • Pierce HA-Tag Magnetic IP/Co-IP Kit
  • Dynabeads His-Tag Isolation and Pulldown
  • Pierce Ni-NTA Magnetic Agarose Beads
  • HisPur Ni-NTA Magnetic Beads
  • Pierce Glutathione Magnetic Agarose Beads

His and GST are not true epitope tags, because they are not usually purified or detected via specific antibodies. By contrast, HA and c-Myc tags are true epitope tags, because their only means of purification or detection is via specific antibodies. Epitope tags are seldom used for bulk purification but are most often used for IP or co-IP. Nevertheless, all four of these tag systems can be used for either purification or pull-down applications.

View fusion tag-binding bead options for IP

Biotin-binding magnetic beads for IP

If you have a biotinylated antibody (or ligand) that recognizes your protein, use of streptavidin beads is recommended

Main advantages of magnetic beads for biotin-binding:

  • If you have a sample rich in soluble IgGs
  • If you have a recombinant antibody lacking Fc regions
  • If you need a bead compatible with mass spectrometry

View streptavidin bead options for IP

Surface-activated magnetic beads for IP

If your target protein or ligand needs to be covalently coupled, use surface-activated beads

Different ligands (antibodies, proteins, etc.) require different bead surface properties and immobilization chemistries. Choose surface-activated beads to control factors such as:

  • Hydrophobicity: choose hydrophilic of hydrophobic beads
  • Bead size: 1 µm, 2.8 µm, and 4.5 µm beads available
  • Surface chemistry: epoxy, amine, or tosylactivated

View surface-activated bead options for IP

Automate your sample preparation using Dynabeads magnetic beads with protocols for Kingfisher instruments

KingFisher instruments automate the isolation of DNA, RNA, proteins, exosomes, viruses, and cells. KingFisher instruments help eliminate cross contamination, produce reproducible results, and cut your hands-on time down to 40 minutes. Set up plates, press start, and walk away.

Learn more about KingFisher instruments for automated protocols

Searching for high-performing, sustainable magnetic beads? Introducing DynaGreen Magnetic Beads.

DynaGreen Magnetic Beads provide high-quality, reproducible results and are also environmentally friendly and microplastic-free. How do these beads contribute to a more sustainable science? All DynaGreen Magnetic Beads have the following features:

  • Non-microplastic bead core
  • Energy-efficient manufacturing
  • Reduced water consumption
  • Use of non-hazardous chemicals
  • Recyclable packaging
  • Paperless documents

Learn more about DynaGreen Magnetic Beads

Videos on immunoprecipitation

") .addClass("unsuppported-videoplayer") .insertAfter($(".brightcoveplaylist, .cmp-p-videoplaylist")) }}, 'video-c73404358fdc',10); });

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding the use of Dynabeads magnetic beads for immunoprecipitation.

© 2023 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified.
ACT is a trademark of My Green Lab.
Magne is a trademark of Promega Corporation.
Sepharose is a trademark of Cytiva Bioprocess R&D AB.
SureBeads is a trademark of Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
Sera-Mag is a trademark of Hyclone Laboratories, LLC.
GenScript is a trademark of Nanjing GenScript Biotech Co.
PureProteome is a trademark of Millipore Corporation.

Immunoprecipitation with Magnetic Beads - US (2024)


Why are magnetic beads used for immunoprecipitation? ›

Use magnetic beads for immunoprecipitation (i.e., when the sample size is < 2 mL). Magnetic beads provide the best balance of capacity/yield, reproducibility, purity, and cost savings for routine small-scale isolation of specific proteins and protein complexes.

What are the advantages of magnetic beads in DNA extraction? ›

You can then use this purified DNA directly in molecular biology applications. A key advantage to using magnetic beads is that you can isolate nucleic acids and other biomolecules directly from a crude sample, and from a variety of different types of sample, with minimal processing.

Are Protein A or G beads better for IP? ›

Generally speaking, Protein A beads are better suited for rabbit antibodies, while protein G beads have higher affinity to mouse antibodies. Agarose and magnetic beads are two of the most common supports used in IP.

What is the binding capacity of protein G magnetic beads? ›

Binding Capacity

1 ml of Protein G Magnetic Beads binds >280 µg of Human IgG.

What are magnetic beads good for? ›

Magnetic beads are widely used for a variety of molecular biology applications including next-generation sequencing (NGS), polymerase chain reaction (PCR), quantitative PCR (qPCR), droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) and other amplification and genotyping applications, as well as protein purification.

How do you elute DNA from magnetic beads? ›

Eluting DNA

Add 150 µl of ChargeSwitch® Elution Buffer (E5) (or TE Buffer, pH 8.5) to the tube and pipet up and down gently 10 times to resuspend the magnetic beads. Important: Do not use water for elution. The DNA will not elute due to the poor buffering capacity of water. Incubate at room temperature for 5 minutes.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of magnetic? ›

Advantages of magnetic storage: Non-volatile, high storage capacity, cost-effective, durable, and widely compatible. Disadvantages of magnetic storage: Slower access speeds, sensitivity to physical damage, size and weight, power consumption, and noise.

What is the advantage of magnetic bead based method of RNA extraction compared to other methods? ›

The magnetic collection and resuspension steps are rapid and simple to perform. Rapid and simple magnetic collection and resuspension steps. Non-filter method reduces concern for clogging. No organic solvent hazardous waste.

What are the advantages of magnetic method? ›

Magnetic methods provide a quick way to map the areal distribution of magnetic anomalies across the surface and are frequently used in applications such as archeology and in locating unexploded ordnance.

What is IP using magnetic beads? ›

Magnetic Beads for Immunoprecipitation. Immunoprecipitation (IP) is a cellular and molecular biology method used in laboratories to isolate or purify a specific antigen (or protein of interest) via a solid phase (agarose or Sepharose™ resin or magnetic particles).

How much protein needed for immunoprecipitation? ›

Using a high protein concentration increases the efficiency of immunoprecipitation. The recommended amount of total protein is between 1 and 3 mg for every 0.2 - 0.5 ml of your starting sample volume.

Why are agarose beads used in immunoprecipitation? ›

Agarose beads and magnetic beads are commonly used. Agarose beads have a porous, mesh-like structure, and antibodies can diffuse and bind to the internal matrix of the beads, which provides high binding capacity. Magnetic beads are simple spheres, providing ease of handling and short processing time.

What is the protocol for protein A magnetic beads? ›

In a 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tube, add 25 μl Protein A/G Magnetic Beads to 200μl of crude cell extract. Gently vortex and incubate at 4°C for 1 hour. Apply magnetic field for 30 seconds to pull beads to the side of the tube. Pipette supernatant to a clean 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tube.

What is the difference between protein A and G magnetic beads? ›

A: Dynabeads Protein A and Dynabeads Protein G are 2.8-micron beads covalently coupled with Protein A and recombinant Protein G, respectively. Protein A and Protein G differ in their binding strength to immunoglobulins from different species and subclasses.

Why does DNA bind to magnetic beads? ›

How does Magnetic Beads DNA Purification Work? Early magnetic separation techniques used particles consisting of an iron-oxide core coated with silane. The surface of the magnetic particles binds to molecules containing a free carboxylic acid, which, in turn, binds to DNA or RNA.

What are the application of magnetic beads in bioassays? ›

By linking monoclonal antibodies or DNA to magnetic beads, or by using magnetic beads coated with streptavidin, a specific interaction with the corresponding target is ensured. By means of an external magnet, the recovery of material for further studies is greatly simplified.

What are magnetic beads used for PCR? ›

They are primarily used for antibody isolation. Oligo (dt) coated: These magnetic beads are used for mRNA extraction, RT-PCR, and RNA sequencing, among others. Carboxylate-modified: These are used for oligo and proteins purification and isolation.

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.