Bismarck Gazette from Bismarck, Missouri (2024)

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Bismarck Gazettei

Bismarck, Missouri

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i I MILK A Balanced Meal There Are No Substitutes That Can Take Just to be sure Police Court DOE RUN NEWS By MRS LEC XARD MAYBERRY Mr and Mrs Claud Abney Ozark urniture Company of GRAND OPENING NOW TO SEPTEMBER 30 of 217 West Main lat River Store Rt Larry Ray Wampler lat 1 with 2 Sno MWMS7CCN WHOLESALE irst Anniversary Sale 5 NOW TO SEPTEMBER 30 children of Illinois spent of 212 North Lincoln Desloge Store Visit Both Stores nHts Register or" Valuable ree Prizes Good News! We Are A Kelvinator Distributor! MnterizcNow See Us or Anything In The Kelvinator Line! Ozark urniture Co Wright's Zephyr Station Big Stores or Savings Two 212 North Lincoln 217 West Main It Phone 734 2942 BISMARCK riar ruver utsiog mo marck spent Sunday with sister Mrs rank Sutton Mrs Edward son Duane Nixon Hospital passed away late Th ursday night and was In state at the Gum and Son uneral Chapel until Sunday at 2 pm when the funeral was held at the Driving $900 Loud $500 Driving while $1500 Tommy Dale fined $865 for Illegal Vincent George Tlpp truck traveling to the north and the Irondale Route Mail Car rler Mr Burrell West of Bls marck in which the mail car was badly damaged and Mr West was Critically injured He Copperton Hrvt Gold The following persons were fined In the Bismarck Police Court held Saturday Septem ber 13 by judge Andy Lucas Each was assessed with a $635 court cost plus the fine Mr and Mrs Don Allen and children Greg and Donna of Scott City visited their parents the Reverend and Mrs Allen and Mr and Mrs Casper Gibson They went to St Louts Manday where Mr Allen con sulted an eye specialist Those of the irst Baptist Church who attended the rank lin Baptist Association Thurs day in Bismarck and riday In Cantwell were Mr Amos Hor ton Mr Ural Maorethe Rev erend and Mrs Doyle Mcar land and son Paul Miss Lasca Gideon and Mrs Lydia Hardin Services are belnd held each the weekend here with her grandparents Mr and Mrs George Elchenberger Mrs Ovella Clonlnger of St Louis spent the weekend at her farm on Highway near here and on Saturday she and Mrs red Alglere visited at the We extend our to the bereaved Gillette Adjustable Razor $195 and friends sympathy family Mr and Nixon and and wife of Webster Groves visited Mrs Alzada Hart at the Geo Elchenberger home Sunday afternoon Available At Stores Service By BISMARCK David Clinton speed ing fined $1000 Ronald A Eaton speeding fined $1200' Stanley Jackson speeding $1500 Carl Elroy Anderson fined $1000 for speeding Don na Swetnam speeding $1500 William Baldwin fined $2000 for speeding Em ery Orrick speeding $3000 and I Driving $900 Car 7 rol Dean Cole No Driver Schneider Is Revenue Officer Mr and Mrs Chair and Ottoman Beautiful 5 Piece Dinette Set illUllldS UVlUltiUCi ncv enue Officer has been designa ted the local Repre sentative for armington ac cording to Trainor Dis trict Director In St Louis Your best source of Vitamin is CREAM ALWAYS YOUR RESHEST THE BEST QUALITY MOST NUTRITIOUS (20 more protein) The on for today people who demand top quality In everything they buy Mrs Amos Horton gave a Report The club was entertained Wednesday at the Salem Com munity House by the Barton Homemakers Club There were twelve members in attendance from the visiting club All re ported having a very pleasant day and agreed that Barton Homemakers are a woadsrful hostess I BISMARCK GAZETJE Page 5 September 18 1969 Mr and Mrs David Barron and children Rebecca and Brtaa were weekend guests of bls parents Mr and Mrs Curtis Barton of Nashville Ill Co Tuesday Mrs David Barton accompanied her mother Mrs Sam Cheek of lat River St I ouis where the latter con sulted her doctor Mr and Mrs Oliver Kassa baum had as their weekend guests their son and daughter in law Mr and Mrs Bob Kas sabaum of St Charles Mrs Ollie Starnes had as her guests Saturday evening Mr and Mrs Kermit Starnes and a great granddaughter 'tit tle Tiffany eezor of arm ington Mr and Mrs Sam Cortor were called to St Louis last week due to the death cle Mr William Woods Sr They remained for a visit With their children Mr and Mrs Leonard Cortor and family of St Louis and Mr and Mrs Robert Yount and sons of Gran ite City Mr and Mrs Ural Moore and her sister Mrs Vera Greear of Pecos Texas visited ri day in St Louis with their son and wife Mr and Mrs Ray Moore and their daughter and husband Mr and Mrs Leo Schwach The Ray Moores were Sunday dinner guests of his parents Mrs Greear left Monday to return home after a two weeks visit here The Place Of Milk or Humans And Animals a is cloudy we hear so many have River Karen Sue Hooks Bonne I 5' flat RIVER MO already arrived at the Buford Terre I er turned over on him He is in the Bonne Terre Hos pital We are wishing the best for him Mrs Monta McEntire and her' mother Mrs Callie Hultt were armington and Bls marck Saturday and Mrs Bessie Horton accompanied 'them home and she called her son George to come for her and" "she Is spending some time at his home near Belgrade Mr Chas Sutton of lorls came for his mother Sat nrriav aft prnnnn nnrtfnnk her and 'his brother Clyde to the White re Billie Young arming uneral Home to attendthe fun eral of their cousin Mr Kenneth Sutton Oir deepest sympathy to the family Mr and Mrs Larry Steven son of Cape Girardeau and Mr Chas Sutton of lorissant spent the weekend at the farm home near Caledonia On August 23 Miss Joyce urry attended the wedding of A Stephens Southside A Jarvis A License To Wed Kenyon Recorder Deeds reports the following marriage license issued In his office 'August 26th through Sep tember 6th AUGUST 26th Bruce Jones Bonne Ter Byron Clinton Richardson rench Village Glenda Sue Gregory Bonne Terre Birl Kt 1 armington Sharon Szasz lat River David Terry Jarvis lat River Patricia Ann Stacy De sloge AUGUST 30th Jerry Hlckam ort Wal ters Texas Linda Donald son Arnold Mo SEPTEMBER 2nd John Cecil Radford Leading Carol Ann Duty and Janie Leona Lee Elvins uonata viare riat Kiver Carlotta Warren lat River George Edward Davis Rt 2 armington Dottie Jean Ha gan lat River SEPTEMBER 4th Terry Thomas River mines Charlene Parsons lat River Stephen Terry aries ar mington Karen Jeanne Beffa St Louis Richard Earl oiitman De sloge Beatrice Kay Lindsey Bonne Terre SEPTEMBER 5th John Butler Arcadia Janet Welble Rt 1 Bonne TE SUNNYMEDE Kennon Recorder of Deeds reports the following marriage license issued in his office September 8th through September 13th September 9th Lindell Black Bonne Terre Janet Lynn Cochran Bonne Terre September 11th i Robert A Wulfers arming ton aye rancine Hunt ar mington September 12th i Roger Dean Sutton Desloge Glenda Gale Wells lat River September 13th Richard Allan Pettus lat i River Sharon Kay Smith lat I River William Leroy Spradling Lovely New Lamps Other Valuable Household Items A large crowd attended the Hereford cattle sale everyone homecoming and basket dinner would like to see a pleasant at the Pleasant Grove Baptist daY for thls sale Church Sunday The Gospel Mr and Mrs Claud Abney Singers from the urnlceCreek of Belgrade visited the Wm Church was real good and every Ramseys one evening last week enjoyed It so much A Mr and Mrs Wm Ramsey number of folks from Caledonia was present for this all day ser vice We are so sorry to report Mr Henrv Akers was hurt very badly when his riding lawn mow and son of St Louis spent the weexena wnn nis parents me Wm Ramseys Mrs Bessie Horton of Bis her' IRONDALE NEWS By MRS GEORGE EICHENBERGER itiHtmmmim imimi liiLUiinmti Mr Henry Akers is a patient In Bonne Terre Hospital follow ing an accident in which he was injured while mowing with a riding mower at his home here He suffered compound fractures of a leg and other Injuries We hope he will soon be on the way to recovery George Elchenberger home and tagntning me eariy morn ing of Sept 7th electrical storm ran in to the home of Mrs Mary Wright and ourned out the unit in their Pretty close but neither Mrs Wright nor her son Lee were hurt Mr John A Robinson has been very HI and was a patient in Bonne Terre Hospital but is now able to be out and is convalescing nicely at the home of hts son in law and daugh ter Mr and Mrs Albert Kar sch of armington Mrs Alzada Hart Is still on the sick list Her friends wish her a speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Removable freezer panel 141 cu ft overall 1166 lb freezer Twin crispers Built in dairy door Reg $31000 $25995 in the Washington County Me mortal Hospital in Potosi Mrs Bourbon Is suffering with a 5 blood clot sustained in a car We were glad the volley ball mlnSton girls won their recent game with AUGUST 29th the Ste Genevieve girls in their first game of the season The Cedar Lodge Club met in 1 the home of Mrs rank Sutton Darrell Tuesday September 9 with thlr teen members and the speaker Mr Marler from the Social Sec urlty office in lat River He 1 gave a very interesting talk and answered questions for the ladies A nice afternoon was enjoyed Mrs Oman Powell was assistant hostess They served delicious cake punch 1 and coffee Maxwell of Belgrade visited in the Warren Hardin home Sun day afternoon Mr and Mrs John Sea bourne are celebrating their 4 Golden Wedding Anniversary Sunday September 28 from two until four in the afternoon at the United Me thodlst Church in Caledonia Missouri All relatives andfr lends are invited to attend We are hoping Mrs Angie Volner who was taken to St ir' Lukes Hospital in St Louis is better at this time Mr and Mrs Virgil Sutton i were In St Louis last week to see his doctor He been Terre 'J doing very well but seems to Robert 'Eugene Hobaugh 1 be some better now We wish Bonne Terre Jacqueline May for him a complete recoverv VonArx Bonne Terre soon SEPTEMBER 6th Visitors in the Earl Bean Andrew Calahan Cadet home last week were Mr and Norma Ruth Hursey Cadet Mrs Dewey Collins of Potosi Sunday Donald armer and 1 Mr and Mrs Harold Ruth of Imperial Saturday Mr and Mrs Lynn Ross and children of Doe Run for a short visit Sun day afternoon Mr Kenneth Queen and his mother visited the Earl Beans Tuesday Mr and Mrs Lynn Ross visited her mother Callie Hultt and took Mrs Hultt to'thehome coming at the Pleasant Grove Church There was five of the Seabourne girls present for this home coming Mrs Bessie Hor ton Nora Sutton Callie Hultt Pearl Dickey and Velma Br ooks It was so nice to see so many old friends but sad when we think of so many for mer school mates that have pas Desloge Patricia Ann Bayless sedaway lat River Better Homemakers Meeting Report The Better Homemakers Club met Tuesday September 9th at the home of Mrs Bertha Tay lor In armington with twelve members and two visitors pres ent to enjoy the covered dish luncheon Roll call was answered by visited her sister MrsP a country each would Wilkerson and her brother Olin like to vlslt 7116 Pegram on Martin at Quaker Mo one day was pre last week sented by Mrs Sebas Mr and Mrs RHHe Ramcov tlan yottr child got what it takes? ind out Renta Baldwin for only $300 a week evening through Sunday Sept 21st at the Assembly of God Church The Reverend Corbett Berthelott Is the evangelist He and Mrs Berthelott are guests of the Reverend and Mrs Homer Smith Mr and Mrs Bob Graham and baby and Mrs Linda llnex and baby of lat River were Sunday dinner guests of their parents Mr and Mrs Homer Jones The Reverend and Mrs Allen attended the dedi cation of a new Assembly of God Church Sunday in Sulli van CALEDONIA NEWS By MRS NORA SUTTON Try Our Sunnyxnede Hall Half Whipping Cream ferred to the armington officeTnlv 12 10RQ Wlc salorHnn as Representative Dcuis for further help was effective July 14 Schneid er replaces Internal Revenue Agent Paul Lewis who had been the Representative Schneider graduated from the University of Illinois in Cham paign Illinois with a Degree In Management with Mrs Hart who is very 111 Mr Charles Beck Sr who has been very ill for a long time and a patient for some time in the Washington County Llcense $3oO and Driv Ing $900 Gale McEntire and I Muffler Drinking 'RrMwr irst Baptist Church of Iron rnrkinir dale with Rev Rij'mond Sconce jneffal Registration $500 officiating and Interment was In Big River Cemetery under the direction of Gum aid Son He leaves hls wife Lillian children and other relatives who was 111 with bronchial pneu monia and could not attend the Thomas funeral one son Charles of Elchenberger of Herculaneum Irondale five daughters Mrs spent a few days last week at Edna Rice Mrs Virginia Hat their farm near town and visited ridge and Mrs Betty Denton Mr and Mrs George Eichen Of St Louis and Mrs Evelyn berger on Thursday errell and Mrs Helen Spier A very bad accident happened of Irondale a number ofgrand near me wenda creek bridge just east of the Big River Brld The armington office Is one near town about noon Thurs of the nineteen local Internal Sept between a gravel Revenue Offices situated thr oughout the State of Missouri which are part of the St Louis District Schneider entered the Inter nal Revenue Service In Julv right you can rent a new Baldwin from us for only $300 a week (Many styles to choose from) And if your child doesn't take to th piano take it back' With a smile Sound good There is more If you decide to buy that Baldwin your rental fee will be applied toward the purchase price Its quite a deal Come in and take advan tage of it MARLER MUSIC STORE jp CTiinrn pvK Ttannv Short home on lat River leave from ortTLeonard Wood 1 XArt vlcttlntr hc rnfttiiM Mr ra6Eun David Pinkston Rt 1 Bonne Terre Marilyn Rich ardson rench Village AUGUST 27th James Presson arming ton Sherry Kay Callahan ar mington AUGUST 28th William DeVault 2 armington Phyllis Gru Linda Ellis and Dan armer at nesen Mansfield Ohio thn MomArhl 1L4othnHct Ch 1 urch armington Missouri River Loretta Marie Decker JU 1 nan tflken bV CjllTTl And Sotl Am uvAot uuuiv ijwi asxnrvrnutt't nni'Hr in Motte jessnene wnite rrea st Louis Missouri and trans Della Bourbon who Is a patient ericxtown uuuen ray Kaiser ivms Kathleen Hedrick Rt 2 arm ington William Major Jrf lat River Ginger Reed ar bulance to the Washington County Hospital for emergency treatment and rushed on to St Tne last report that he had under gone surgery and condition cri tical We hope he is improved by this time It seems that the truck going down hill try 5 Ing to stop for the narrowbrld ge skidded Into the path of the mall car and collided with it The driver of the truck was not injured according to last re port Our sympathy goes out to the Crissie errell family due to the death of hls father Mr Charles errell of Leadwood The funeral was held at Lead wood Sunday at 2 pm under the direction of the Bert Boyer uneral Home The Robinson family reunion was held at Irond lie Park this Sunday with quite a nice crowd attending However several of the Robinson family has passed awiy since their reunion of last year They plan another such reunion next year Mr and Mrs Dale Santschl and 7 ill Kb1 I Wr iiiKW 9 as I 1 7 Has I I MH War II I I I IS.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.